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Purity III is a fully responsive Joomla template. It looks amazingly beautiful in all screen sizes: from a wide screen desktop to tablet and mobile devices. All props go to the powerful T3 Framework.

T3 Framework is one of the first responsive Joomla template framework out there in the community. It gives you the extreme flexibilities, freedom in innovation, and best of all, T3 Framework is an open source Framework.

Thanks to T3 Framework, Purity III embraces Bootstrap 3 at core. It also supports Font Awesome 4, as well as all the cool features Bootstrap 3 Framework has.

Purity III consists of 8 beautiful layouts, including: Corporate, Portfolio, Features Intro 1, Features Intro 2, Magazine, Glossary, Blog & Classic layouts for you to choose from.

Purity III is a truly simplicity Joomla template, and a GREAT starter theme for any Joomla lovers. It allows YOU to get started in minutes, and highly versatile to fit in any type of projects: from simple to complex, from personal blogging to professional business portfolio.

Purity III is highly customize-able: from its flexible layout system to the real time customization tool - ThemeMagic. All are available in Purity III. If you would like to go all out and fancy, Purity III will be your best friend.

Purity III is Joomla 3 native, and Yes, Purity III is a FREE Joomla template, which makes it even COOLER. Definitely a responsive Joomla template you would never want to miss, We promise.


Photo from pexels.com

Photo from Pexels.com

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